So… 2020
This time last year, I declared a three part, nine subpart resolution for 2020. Shortly thereafter, COVID-19 said “Oh, you have 2020 plans? Cute.”
Those plans included:
Halfway through the year, I wrote myself a progress report. With the year, such as it was, behind us, it’s time for my final assessment of my 2020 goals.
Get More Organized
Spend less time in the Internet
I’m going to grade this one on a curve.
I spent more time on the Internet in 2020. But it went from one way I socialize to the way I socialize. It also was my main source of news in a newsworthy year.
However, I still think I did well with this goal. First of all, I resisted the urge to check my phone while watching shows. That habit exemplified bad use of the Internet. I didn’t need a distraction, and I wasn’t on the Internet for a purpose. So I kicked that habit. Second of all, I didn’t go on the Internet to pass time waiting for something interesting to happen IRL. Instead, I initiated the interesting things. I used my free time to play video games, work on art projects, and get things done around the house. Even when I used my free time on hobbies, it felt better than using it on largely aimless Internet scrolling.
Clean my office
On the topic of getting things done around the house, I made a lot of progress on my office. It’s not done, but it’s closer to being done that it’s ever been.
It’s a tale better told in pictures.

You might see that pile of boxes and question how I can be happy with my progress. What’s not obvious: There aren’t any other boxes. Previously the boxes of stuff intended for my office were in my basement and garage, because there was no room in my office. The contents of the boxes that cluttered my office got shelved, making room for these last boxes and decluttering the rest of the house. I play enough puzzle games to know to clear one area, you must clutter clear areas.
Read the comics and books on my bedside table
In my progress report, I said I started on this goal but my progress gradually declined. It continued to decline, reaching the point that I forgot I’d made progress early in the year. I spent virtually no time casually reading the second half of the year. The stack of comics and books on my side table shrunk, but more out of lack of access to comic and book stores to replenish the pile.
Turning 40 like a Boss
I turned 40 this year. Here’s how the end of my 30s and beginning of my 40s went.
40 like I’m 60
When I’m 60, I don’t want to look back on my 40s wishing I’d done everything I knew I should have been doing at the time.
I did lose weight early in the quarantine, but I put some of it back on. Even if I’m closer to my January 2020 weight than my June 2020 weight right now, I also still have more energy and less soreness. Although I aim to thin my waistline and lower my numeric weight, the end goal is energy and comfort.
40 like I’m 20
Staying young is easy with a 3 and 5 year old.
Well, OK. When you have a 3 and 5 year old, you either stay young or you get left behind. I’m staying young. I keep up with their interests, and find mutual interests we can share. We played Castle Crashers as a family, and I loved having a casual game to play. We also got the Nick Jr channel for Prime and watched a tonne of the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. The later seasons loaded the episodes with references to the older series and vintage toys that never made it to animation. So I get a nice combination of seeing one of my childhood favourites through my kids’ eyes, as well as revisiting a new version of an old friend.
TL;DR TMNT 4 Life.
40 like I’m 40
I also watched age appropriate shows this year. In fact, I started and finished several recent series that friends my age recommended but I put off. Schittz Creek. The Expanse. Jack Ryan. The Great Canadian Baking Show. I don’t know if that’s kept me young, I just know when people my age say “we’re so old” my gut instinct is “speak for yourself.” Sometimes I throw in a gandpa/grandma, if I’m feeling spicy.
Make life better for my wife
This was all about being there for her, being more independent about the things she does for me, and, y’know, making her let me be more independent. She likes to help/be in control.
More out of necessity than effort, this was a big year for sharing the load. With the kids home more, there was a greater need for them to be entertained and for their mental health to be looked after. Also, more cleaning to be done around the house. And weirder decisions to make.
I’ll take some credit for not flaking on my wife and children, I guess. Mostly, more was expected of me and I met and hopefully exceeded expectations.
I think I came out of 2020 better than I went into it, and that is saying a lot. So much so, I don’t really have a 2021 resolution, other than “same, but better.” I’m pretty happy with that.