Vancouver Fan Expo, Booth #1015
According to the constant barrage of tripit emails, I’m leaving in the morning for the mythical land of Vancouver, a Canadian city without the Canadian weather.
Lar, Stone, Ari and myself will be there for Vancouver Fan Expo on Saturday and Sunday, and you can find us at Booth #1015 for the duration of the show. If chatting with us isn’t enough, we will also have plenty of merch on sale to sign.
If you happen to be in Vancouver this weekend, you have no excuse not to see us. Except if you’re in town for a wedding, but even then, there’s 300 people there and the bride and groom won’t notice if you bail for a few hours.
See you in Vancouver, folks.
-Because I Can.
Quote of the Day
“When are we gonna get there? I’m hungry. This car smells weird.”
– from National Treasure (2004)