Odds & Ends
A week later, I remain in that post San Diego Comic Con haze, where as I feel I’ve been more productive than I actually have.
Still, I’m past due on a few things to update you on:
The final animation for our 22 minute pilot episode of LICD: The Animated series has been delivered and processed. It looks gorgeous. The only thing left to do is the final audio mastering, which is being done now.
The pilot will be debuting to all Kickstarter backers around August 15th. All backers will receive notification when it’s up and ready.
For everyone else, we will eventually be showing the pilot to you, but for the time being, as we’re using this as a sales tool to fund a full series, we need to keep it locked tight.
LICD: The Card Game
The overall reception of the card game was so positive, that in a few days, we’ll be unveiling the first ever expansion pack, titled ‘Ladies Night’.
It’s a stand alone deck that can be used on it’s own, or integrated into the full game.
Ladies Night flips the tables on things, and has the fairer sex (and Gayne) do the bar picking up.
I Forget
…I seriously had one more thing to talk about today. Shite.
-Because I Can.
Quote of the Day
“Just because everybody hates it doesn’t mean it’s not good.”
– from Despicable Me 2 (2013)