Here We Go Again
Blame my age, blame my family or blame the million projects I have going on at any given moment, but it’s become clear to me over the last few years that I’m unable to complete an LICD book without a hard deadline.
So, once again, I’m going to force it by doing a Kickstarter for Books 13 and 14, as well as something a little special-er.
After 7 printings over the last decade or so, we’ve decided to put Books 1-5 on ice, and instead, with this kickstarter introduce the first LICD omnibus, which will contain those strips, and of course, look amazing next to the rest of your LICD collection.
As always, we thank you for your support and the purchasing of our wares. Please note, without exaggeration, you are what keeps the lights on around here and let’s us keep making dick jokes year after year (after year).
Let’s fund this fucking thing, shall we?
-Because I Can.
Quote of the Day
“I’ve actually not read any books on time management.”
-Elon Musk