A Decent Husband, A Better Wife
This July, while I’m in San Diego attending my 150th annual Comic Con, meeting readers and friends alike, consuming pop culture and generally having a ridiculous good time, my wife will be on a bicycle for 2 days, covering a few hundred kilometers while at the same time raising money to conquer cancer.
That said, feeling like the lazy shite that I am, I wanted to do something to help my wife, who not only gave me three wonderful children (still haven’t chosen my favorite yet) but also, by choice, lives with and tolerates me on a daily basis.
So, here’s what I’m going to do.
Anyone who donates 10$ or more to her ride, I will do an original and very offensive sketch (a Sohmer original) and mail it to you anywhere in the world.
It will be crude, it will be classless, and it’ll be all yours.
If that’s not enough, I may even put a print of something in that envelope for you as well.
So please, donate a few bucks for a good cause and make me look like a good husband. I’ll take all the help I can get, honestly.
Both of us appreciate the support, folks.
-Because I Can.
Quote of the Day
“Being a good husband is like being a good stand-up comic – you need ten years before you can even call yourself a beginner.”
-Jerry Seinfeld