One Adventure Ends
I’ve returned from my latest jaunt, this time to Vancouver, where I both met my niece and broke one of my ribs. I assure you, these two things are not related.
I’m in the office until Wednesday, where I’ll then be embarking on another journey, this time to Toronto for Fan Expo Canada with Lar, Costello and Will. I’ll provide more information on where we’ll be at the show on Wednesday.
Should be quite the weekend; it usually is.
It was quite nice coming into the office this morning only to discover that we had just cleared our goal for the LICD Kickstarter, to produce books 10, 11 and 12 all in one go. I’m incredibly grateful to all of you, and also slightly nervous at the thought of the sheer amount of work facing me over the next few months.
But mostly grateful.
There’s still 15 days left in the campaign, and we’ve got a few stretch goals I’d very much like to hit, including one where we get to do an animated musical short.
-Because I Can..
Quotes of the Day
“Silence is a source of great strength.”
-Lao Tzu
“Well, shite”
-Ryan Sohmer