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All dressed up with nowhere to apocalypt

Is that even a word?

Well what a surprise. The solstice rang in and unless the ancient Mayans were really ancient telephone repair guys who were perpetually late, I don’t think anyone is surprised the world didn’t end.


But now what? You’ve put on your best outfits to wear into the afterlife. You cancelled all your plans, because y’know… apocalypse.. and now you’ve got nothing to do. Well what better way to start the first day of the rest of your life than by joining me tonight on Ustream for a “Christmas/Mayan Art SpectacuLar”!! Pour yourself a hefty beverage and tune in as I spin a few off-colour carols, and do my best to answer some art questions that were sent to me this week. In addition I’ll be giving away some art prizes every hour or so and we’ll be rounding out the night with the always fun “Rapid Fire Sketch Game”!

I might even draw some boobies.

The great feathered serpents, or as I usually call them “The Mods” will be in their mod pod/pyramid to keep us safe from spammers, naughty children, evil high priests bent on carving out our hearts and the end of all things. Yes, they are just that amazing. So why not log into the chat room to make some friends and join in the banter.

The fun starts at 8pm ET and runs until midnight.

Here’s the link:

See you in the funnies!